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Instructions for use of flexible slings (maintenance and attention)

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Instructions for use of flexible slings (maintenance and attention)

Instructions for use of flexible slings (maintenance and attention)

The flexible lifting belt is used for lifting objects together with hooks. It can be used for lifting objects under various lifting conditions. It has high strength and does not damage the surface of the object. It is light and soft, and can be used in various combinations way. The outer surface of the flexible hoisting belt is fine and will not cause damage to vulnerable objects. And there are many ways of hoisting, and it can also be used for dragging objects.

Use and precautions

1) First, confirm the weight and length that the hoisting belt can carry, and adopt the correct hoisting method and coefficient.

2) When using basket hoisting, it should ensure safety and stability, and pay attention to the position of the center of gravity of the load to avoid objects falling.

3) The lifting point should be selected correctly, and it should be confirmed whether the binding is firm before lifting. There must be a trial lifting process, and then continue to the next step after confirming that it is safe.

4) Do not leave the sling in a knotted state during use, and do not turn the goods to twist the sling when carrying.

5) When the sling is working, it is not allowed to drag the hoisting belt to prevent damage to the sling;

6) When using a sling to hoist the goods, it is not allowed to suspend the goods for a long time.

7) If there is no protective pad, do not use lifting straps to lift goods with edges and sharp edges.

8) It is not allowed to contact with corrosive chemicals (such as acid, alkali, etc. After the sling is dirty or used in an environment prone to acid and alkali, the sling should be cleaned immediately.

9) It is not allowed to use slings with overload. If several slings are used at the same time, the load should be evenly distributed on several slings as much as possible.

10) It is not allowed to connect the soft ring with any device that may cause damage to it. The hanging device connected by the soft ring should be smooth without any sharp edges, and its size and shape should not tear the seam of the sling.

Maintenance and daily inspection

1) Do not store the sling near an open flame or other heat source, and keep it away from light;

2) After the sling is dirty or used in an environment prone to acid and alkali, the sling should be cleaned.

3) Arrange regular inspections of slings, and downgrade or scrap the unqualified or defective slings.

The inspection contents include:

① With or without perforation, incision, tearing

② Whether the seams are open or the sutures are broken

③ Whether there is softening, aging, less elasticity, weakening of strength

④ Whether the fiber surface is rough and easy to peel off

⑤ There is no dead knot in the sling

⑥ Whether there is point-like looseness, corrosion, acid and alkali burning on the surface of the sling, and whether the warning line with the red warning line sling is exposed by heat melting or burning






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